The word evolution was lingering in my mind since many days. I always keep a marker or a pencil with me so that i can try a word anytime it clicks to me. It helps a lot. This is a hand drawn design and then edited on a computer. The design was pretty straight forward. The main hick up here was to show 'v'. 'e' and 'v' can be clubbed to make an 'n'. This particular trick was pretty useful and the design was easily readable. Rest of the design was pretty simple.
The most important thing i wanted from this design was the readability, which i have fairly achieved. Other facet is the attractiveness, i am striving for this very hard. I am studying other designs from ambigramist. Through Ambigram challenges we get to learn a lot. I am also planning to learn typography to get better understanding of the type forms. One thing i have realised perfection is a process, you keep on learning newer things.
Thanks to inkscape and
Comments are highly appreciated.
Dam you are cool!! and your ambigrams Damn Cool! :) :)
This is a great design.
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